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Shape my Future

Find out how much income you might need to live your dream lifestyle in retirement

How it works

This tool is here to help you daydream about the lifestyle you might like to have in the future.

First, discover what your retirement income might be

Second, take a light-hearted look at how much the lifestyle you want could cost

Third, plan your savings to understand how you might make it happen

Here are some we made earlier

Matthew 35, NEWCASTLE

Take a look at the future lifestyle that Matthew created. He wants to be living in the town centre, cooking lots of meals at home and getting around on public transport. He’s a bookworm, so he’ll keep himself entertained by reading. Will his retirement income be enough to support his dream lifestyle? Shape my Future can start to give him an idea.


Here’s Joe’s ideal future lifestyle. He’ll be living in the suburbs, eating out a few times a week, working out at the gym and indulging his inner film buff at the cinema. But will he be able to afford to do all that on his retirement income? Shape My Future can help him start to find out.

Marie 47, LONDON

Marie wants to be living in a big house, eating organic food, heading out regularly to the cinema with lots of days out and a few holidays each year. She’ll need a good retirement income to do all that, and Shape my Future can start to give her an idea of how much she’ll have.